Level Up
Your internet service just got a major upgrade. Fiber Optic/Gigabit Service brings cutting-edge technology right to your home with the most advanced internet connection available.
Time For a Change
Technology is changing- why isn’t your current internet service package? High-speed internet is now a lot more affordable than it used to be. If you haven’t checked out the competition lately, now’s the time to start. See how we can help you connect smarter!
Why Spend More for Less?
Find out how we can help you get high-speed internet using cutting-edge technology- all at an industry-leading price!
What’s the deal with fiber optics?
Fiber optic Gigabit speeds start at a mind-blowing 1000Mbps. That’s CRAZY FAST! That’s faster than DSL or cable- in fact, it’s the fastest residential internet technology available. How does it work? Fiber optics uses tiny strands of clear plastic or glass to transmit data. As the information travels down the strand, it hitches a ride on light that shines through the fibers. That’s right- the data is literally traveling at the speed of light! With the capacity to transport virtually unlimited bandwidth, fiber optics technology is also more reliable than other types of internet data transmission.

How can we give you the best internet service available?
No Contract
You’ll never be stuck in a service contract that’s not living up to your expectations.
No Rate Increases
High-quality internet at an affordable price that won’t go up. No strings attached.
No Hassles
Tired of playing the renegotiation game with your ISP? We’re a hassle-free environment.
Pay How You Like
Either make payments on a month‐to‐month basis, or choose convenient automatic billing. It’s your choice.
No Cancellation Fee
We can’t imagine why you would cancel the most advanced and affordable internet service available. But it’s nice to know that you can, anytime.